Samsung: Perusahaan Doyan Gugat Tak Disukai Konsumen


Galaxy S III & iPhone (ist)
Jakarta - Samsung menyesalkan keputusan dewan juri di pengadilan California, AS, yang memenangkan Apple. Vendor asal Korea Selatan ini mengklaim justru pihaknya yang terus melakukan inovasi, sementara Apple terus memilih 'berperang' di pengadilan. 

Seperti Apple, pihak Samsung pun mengeluarkan memo internal. Mereka menyatakan sudah berusaha berdiskusi baik-baik dengan Apple, namun tidak punya pilihan selain menempuh jalur hukum karena terpaksa.

"Kami awalnya mengusulkan negosiasi dengan Apple ketimbang menempuh jalur pengadilan, karena mereka adalah salah satu konsumen kami yang paling penting. Namun demikian, Apple memaksa dengan gugatan hukum dan kami tak punya banyak pilihan selain menggugat balik, sehingga kami bisa melindungi perusahaan," demikian tertulis dalam memo tersebut.

Samsung menyesalkan keputusan juri pengadilan Northern District of California (NDCA) yang memenangkan Apple dan menolak gugatan Samsung. Padahal beberapa pengadilan di luar AS memutuskan sebaliknya. Samsung pun akan terus melawan.

"Kesimpulan NDCA kontras dengan keputusan pengadilan di sejumlah negara lain, seperti Inggris, Belanda, Jerman dan Korea, yang memutuskan kami tidak meniru desain Apple. Pengadilan tersebut juga mengakui argumen kami terkait standar paten kepunyaan kami," lanjut Samsung.

Samsung yakin bahwa perusahaan yang senang menggugat tidak disukai konsumen. "Sejarah menunjukkan belum ada perusahaan yang memenangkan hati konsumen dan mencapai pertumbuhan berkelanjutan, jika tujuan utama mereka pada kompetisi adalah penyalahgunaan hukum paten, bukannya mengejar inovasi,"

Berikut isi memo internal Samsung yang detikINET kutip dari The Next Web, Senin (27/8/2012):

We initially proposed to negotiate with Apple instead of going to court, as they had been one of our most important customers. However, Apple pressed on with a lawsuit, and we have had little choice but to counter-sue, so that we can protect our company.

Certainly, we are very disappointed by the verdict at the US District Court for the Northern District of California (NDCA), and it is regrettable that the verdict has caused concern amongst our employees, as well as our loyal customers.

However, the judge’s final ruling remains, along with a number of other procedures. We will continue to do our utmost until our arguments have been accepted.

The NDCA verdict starkly contrasts decisions made by courts in a number of other countries, such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, and Korea, which have previously ruled that we did not copy Apple’s designs. These courts also recognized our arguments concerning our standards patents.

History has shown there has yet to be a company that has won the hearts and minds of consumers and achieved continuous growth, when its primary means to competition has been the outright abuse of patent law, not the pursuit of innovation.

We trust that the consumers and the market will side with those who prioritize innovation over litigation, and we will prove this beyond doubt.

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